
Efficiency increase and risk reduction.

Benchmark Analysis

Benchmarking Analysis

This service provides detailed analysis of existing cost factors, rates, and contract terms and conditions relative to either existing contracts in place with the client in preparation for conducting a Request for Proposal (RFP) process or negotiation with their incumbent vendor, or may involve a detailed assessment of these same items relative to new vendor proposals being offered to client for review and evaluation.

Negotiation Support

Negotiation Support

This service provides either direct or indirect support of the client’s negotiation process with their vendors. Anvil Network Solutions can either act as a coach or can play a direct interface role with the vendor to assist the client in achieving their new telecom contract objectives.

Process Management

RFP Process Management

This is a turn-key service where project management of the entire telecom contract negotiation process is outsourced to Anvil Network Solutions. This service includes upfront current traffic analysis, development of custom strategies to meet the individual client’s goals and objectives, development of the custom RFP document, analysis of vendors’ responses, conduct of the negotiation process with the vendors, and working with the client’s project team and legal team to craft the final new contract agreement. While Anvil Network Solutions plays the primary negotiator role, the client is invited to directly participate in the process where they desire to and when it is most advantageous and appropriate, to add leverage to the final negotiation effort.


Contract Management and Administration

This retainer based service provides ongoing contract management to ensure proper implementation and verification of new rates, and provides ongoing administration activities to ensure contract milestones, credits, discount tiers, commitment level attainment, notification deadlines, etc. are tracked to ensure maximum benefit is derived from the negotiated contract.